Five Detoxes To Try in Phuket - Our Guide

When you hear the words "holiday" or "vacation," chances are you think of heading to a certain place where you can de-stress and unwind. You may also think of pampering yourself with your favorite food or by going to a spa. But have you ever thought of getting a place where you can really recharge your batteries? Why not rent a luxury villa rental in a beautiful destination of your choosing? You may be wondering what benefits, if any, you can get out of staying in a luxury villa. For one, a luxury villa can help you detox from life’s stressors.
Upon hearing the word “detox,” chances are that images of wheatgrass shots and pineapple juice come to mind. However, there are many other ways to clear your system of things that may be stressing you out. Here are five types of detoxes that you can try during a villa holiday:
Tech Detox
Let’s start off with the tech detox. Let’s not deny it — it’s hard to live without our smartphones. We are hooked up to the digital world almost 24/7. If you’re like the majority of people, you are required to stare at a computer screen for hours on end on a daily basis because of your job. So when you get a chance to escape the office and go on a much-deserved and much-needed vacation, why don’t you just leave your gadgets behind? Doing so is a great way to have a moment of peace and solitude so that you can savor your villa holiday. You can rejoin the digital world when your vacation ends. Don’t worry about the FOMO — you won’t miss much!
Entertainment Detox
It’s true that we are bombarded with all sorts of entertainment daily — games, movies, music, TV shows, and more. Entertainment is often a part of a holiday as well. In fact, a private villa can come equipped with all sorts of things such as a private cinema or a game room. But here’s the thing — why don't you eschew all kinds of entertainment for a day or two? Instead, take some time to avoid entertainment stimulation for a while. Contemplate on your life and where you want to go. Take in the view from your villa and appreciate its beauty. Read a book, talk to your companions, or cook a delicious meal instead.
Diet Detox
If you want to stick to the classic idea of a “detox” and get your health back on track, your villa holiday is a great time for you to go on a diet detox. You don’t necessarily have to be very strict with what you’re eating. However, this is the time when you can cut down on your fat, sodium, and sugar intake. Consider hiring a personal chef to prepare special meals for you. Take time to eat grilled fish, lean meats, and locally sourced healthy delicacies, and salads. You can also eat a lot of fruits, which we’re sure is something that you don’t normally do. Who knows? When you leave the villa, you may have experienced a breakthrough about nutrition and commit to living a healthier lifestyle even after you return home!
Time Detox
You may be chasing time on a regular basis, trying to beat the clock and meeting deadlines at work. You may even be busy at home with lots of chores and children to attend to. When you’re on a villa holiday, you’ve got time to do nothing but relax. Enjoy your free time and give your overworked mind room to breathe. You can meditate or just sit quietly in a corner of your villa. Whatever you decide to do, know that you deserve it.
Stress Detox
Finally and most importantly, you should try a stress detox. Life as we know it can be stressful and stress can have negative repercussions on your emotional, mental, and psychological wellbeing. That said, it’s a good idea to have a stress detox on your villa holiday. Take advantage of the comfort that a luxury villa brings. Walk along the beach, recline on a lounge for the day, or take a nap by the pool. It’s all up to you! Do whatever suits you best to chill, relax, and have a great time overall.
If you’re looking for accommodation for a tropical vacation in Phuket, Ayara Kamala Resort is your best option! We’re conveniently located on Kamala beach, making it easy for you to venture wherever you want! Contact us today to see what we can offer.